40 Years Without You

Heidi Suydam
2 min readJul 1, 2020

My Sister, My Hero, My Friend

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

I am heading into my 40th year without you. My sister, my hero, my cheerleader, my friend.

What would life be like if you were still here? What would be the same? What would be different? In life, love, and relationships? In family? In me?

I often think about you when I need someone to call.

40 years later.

Time heals, that is true, but time doesn’t erase the painful reality that something is still missing in my life. The friend that is a sister. Time cannot heal the fact that you chose to leave.

Time cannot erase the words you penned saying “we” would be better off without you. You lumped me into a “we” that didn’t involve me. A “we’ that was our parents, your mom, yourself. For a fatal moment you forgot about the “we” that included me, the “we” that included us, you and me, that “we” that was and is no more.

40 years later.

Maybe that is why I have worked so hard to nurture a relationship between my three girls. They are each other’s people, the love they share, sweet secrets and laughter that no one else understands. They are each other’s heroes, friends forever in a world where everything is fluid and changes so quickly. I want for them what I lost. The constant that is a sister.



Heidi Suydam

Founder of #thesosblog | Content Writer | Graduate Student